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Dogs Rule Day Care is a place where dogs of all kinds can come and play in groups of like-minded canines. Labs can run and chase the balls and jump in the pools. Terriers can play tug of war. Hounds can sniff and smell. Toys can be held and cuddled. Mutts can mix it up.

With three outdoor playgrounds and two indoor playrooms, there's a place for every dog. All play areas are supervised by experienced wranglers who not only love dogs, they know dogs. They watch their behavior and know when a dog may be about to cross the line, stopping any trouble before it begins.

The big and bouncy playground is reserved for the highly active dogs, who need to run, splash and play in the pool.

The medium playground sports climbing stations and toys for the more mellow dogs to enjoy.

The little dog playground has its own pool and lots of toys and laps for the smaller dogs to enjoy.

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Dogs Rule:  2265 Central Avenue  |  Memphis, TN | 38104  | 901.276.3210
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